What you need to have to lose weight quickly? The best foods for weight loss – the list!

There are many different ways and exercise programs for weight loss, but some regular exercise is not enough to achieve high results. You need to realize that a big role in the burning of fats plays a proper and balanced diet. The problem of healthy nutrition is very important, because from what you eat, depends not only on the results in the sport, but as well: your mood, appearance, performance and health in general. So in this article I will try to give answers on such "hot" issues such as: What are the main principles of good nutrition? What you need to eat to lose weight fast? What are the best foods for weight loss? List!

Proper nutrition and sport

Diet (lifestyle, power mode) – first and foremost it is about the rules for food intake. The diet is characterized by such factors as: the net calorific value, chemical composition, physical properties of the products, time and frequency of meals.

  • Rule # 1 — More protein
  • Rule # 2 — Less carbs
  • Rule No. 3 — Water
  • Rule no. 4 — the Harmful and the useful fats
  • Rule no. 5 — the Main principle of weight loss
  • Menu for the week
  • The best foods for weight loss

5 principles of weight loss

No. 1. Every day you should consume sufficient amount of protein food. If the amount of protein is not sufficient, then you run the risk of losing a significant part of muscle mass in addition to fat that you can burn. A sufficient amount of protein helps you maintain lean muscle mass in a period of low-calorie foods.

As usual, for people who are trying to lose weight, it is the rate of protein is 2g per 1kg of body weight (for example, if the weight of the guy 80kg, then you need 80 multiply by 2 and finally we get the standard protein). The girls, however, you need a little less: 1.5 g per 1kg of body weight (for example, if the weight of the girls 70kg, then it should be 70 multiply by 1.5 and finally, the daily norm of protein). If your goal is weight loss, and drying the body, then is the rate of protein, both for boys and for girls is increasing (boys: 2.8 g – 3.5 g * 1kg / girls: 2g – 2.7 g * 1kg).

The best sources of protein foods for weight loss: turkey fillet, chicken fillet, hell, Pollock, cod, low-fat cottage cheese, egg whites (a few yolks). Try to what would be in your diet attended all kinds of protein foods, because in each product its own unique set of amino acids.

Calorie Deficit for weight loss

No. 2. Eat as least carbs. The lack of carbohydrates helps to lose weight faster, because due to the lack of carbohydrates, the main source of energy is fat. Keep the level of carbohydrates per day: 50 – 100 grams. But that doesn't mean that if you ate 300g of carbs, then immediately it is necessary to reduce all and move to 50 – 100 grams. No, it cannot. Everything should run smoothly, otherwise, eventually accumulate more fat than castings. Equipment 30 – 50 grams of carbs a week until you get to 50 – 100 g per day.

Choose complex carbohydrate sources (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, barley). These carbohydrates will saturate your body with energy for a very long time. So, in your diet should be present simple carbohydrates (fruits, berries). But simple carbohydrates should not be too much (the norm is around 20%). And don't forget the vegetables. Vegetables are an excellent source of fiber, which has a positive effect on the process of weight loss and the digestive tract.

No. 3. Drink sufficient amount of water. Water is the foundation of our body, is involved in many processes of life. We participation to 60% of water, therefore we need to drink daily a sufficient amount of clean water. Health and wellness is directly dependent on the quality and quantity of fluids. And how strange, an effective process of losing weight also depends on the number of drunk you water.

First of all: when the body comes a small amount of liquid, increases the viscosity of the blood. For this reason, oxygen slowly enters the cells, which slows down the process of weight loss.

Secondly: water speeds up the metabolism, and as you already know, the faster your metabolism, the faster is the process of weight loss.

Third: the water removes from the body waste products, excess salt and toxins (like washes and cleanses the organism).

How much water is needed for?


For women – 40 ml * 1 kg of body weight (for example, a girl with a mass of 60 kg should drink per day 2400 ml or 2.4 l, then 40 ml * 60 kg = 2400 ml).

For boys – 50 ml * 1 kg of body weight (for example, the guy weighs 100 kg, should drink per day to 5000 ml or 5 liters, so 50 ml * 100 kg = 5000 ml).

No. 4. Exclude from the diet foods with high levels of harmful fats (animal fats, margarine, butter, and most sweets). Eat to a minimum such types of fat, such as: egg yolks, hard cheese and sunflower oil. The best foods for weight loss (the list) in the form of fatty acids is flaxseed oil, olive oil, nuts, oily fish and avocado. Very often people completely exclude fats from your diet, and it is their fault. You cannot completely give up fatty acids, because it can trigger hormonal failure. Just remove the bad fats and add good. Daily dose for boys and girls = 0.5 g per 1 kg of body weight.

No. 5. And finally, the main and most important principle in weight loss is the strict observance of this rule, which reads: "it is necessary to adopt fewer calories than you are able to expend per day". This means that you will have to eat food less, one move more. Only in such cases will be to burn subcutaneous fat.